SEKISUI ranked in Top 10% of S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook 2025
SEKISUI has been selected as one of the Top 10% companies of S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook 2025, a sustainability ranking by S&P Global. This is the 15th consecutive year, since 2011, that SEKISUI has been selected.

S&P Global, a global ESG investment investigation and ranking company, assesses the sustainability of companies from three perspectives: environmental, social and governance (ESG).
In 2024, more than 7,690 companies worldwide from 62 industries were evaluated, and 780 companies were selected to be included in S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook 2025.
SEKISUI is recognized for its excellence in Climate Strategy, Product Stewardship*, Human Rights and other areas.
Under the long-term vision “Vision 2030”, SEKISUI has identified its vision statement “Innovation for the Earth”, which incorporates the Group’s commitment to drive continuous innovation as a means of supporting the basis of LIFE and continuing to create peace of mind for generations to come in order to realise a sustainable society.
Through business growth and reform and creating new business centered on ESG management, SEKISUI aims to realize both a sustainable society and sustainable growth.
*Product Stewardship evaluates “Share of Low-Energy Buildings” and “Energy Efficiency Approach for New Buildings – Construction”.